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The entire work of the company is managed by the Board of Directors and by an Executive Director, elected by the Board of Directors in compliance with the Statute of the company, regulations and operative enactments. The members of the Board of Directors are being elected by Sofia Municipal Council. The company carries out its activities regarding the structural units, approved by the Board of Directors - head offices, offices, departments, branches, etc., which are managed by persons, appointed by the Executive Director. The structure of the company illustrates the links and co-relations among the different structural units.

“The Operation” Directorate executes the overall operation activities of the implemented metro sections, including transport of passengers, maintenance of machinery and facilities, of management and operation systems and the Central Dispatch station /CDS/, repair works and maintenance of the rolling stock in the depot. This activity is carried out by six offices: “Movement”, “Electric power supply”, “Automatics and mechanics for the movement of the trains and communication links”, “Electromechanics”, “Rail road and engineering facilities”, “Obelya Depot”. There are three separate departments, parts of the head office – “Safety”, “Technical Department”, “Motor Vehicles”.
Depending on the putting into operation of the new metro sections, the staff is being supplemented, in view of execution of the necessary operation works, after the extension of the route.

Activities of “The Operation” Directorate services
“Movement” service organizes the traffic of passengers and manages directly the movement of the trains through train dispatchers from the Central Dispatch station /CDS/ and command posts located at the stations. It provides the access of the passengers to the stations and maintains the exterior and interior of the stations. It works out and controls the schedule of the trains.
“Obelya Depot” ensures the train schedule with engine-drivers and metro staffs. It maintains the rolling stock of the metropolitan. It conducts technical checks, planned repairs and repairs by necessity. It works out timetables for the work of the engine-drivers, instructors and repair staff and organizes their work.
“Electric power supply” service. Maintenance crews and emergency groups of this service operate, maintain and repair the electric power supply facilities in the metro –Tension power stations /TPS/, cable lines, contact network power supply, adjustment, blocking, signalization of electric power supply facilities in the tunnels and at the stations. It manages the facilities of the power engineering of CDS through an electro dispatcher. There is a licensed internal –departmental measuring laboratory functioning within the service.
“Automatics and mechanics for the movement of the trains and communication links” service. This service is responsible for the maintenance of the automatic and mechanic facilities for the movement of the trains, automatic blocking /AB/, automatic speed control/ASC/, automatic locomotive signaling /ALS/, cable and communication links; radio communication, video surveillance and recording, Signaling and protective system /SPS/, clocks measuring real time and interval measuring clocks, fire signaling system, access devices /ticketing system/, digital departmental automatic telephone system /DDATS/; tariff program, recording control system /RCS/; SCADA system for managing the train traffic: DISIM; SCADA system for managing the energy supply: DISIM-E; SCADA system for local management: DISIM LM; conferencing system for dispatch connections in compliance with the Rules for technical operation. The service includes “KIP and A” laboratory for inspection and repair of relays and electronic equipment. It ensures the smooth implementation of the train schedule and traffic safety.
“Rail road and engineering facilities” service. It maintains and repairs the rail road throughout and the contact rail of the metro, including tracks development of Obelya Depot, main roads of the route and the points for the change of the staffs. It repairs the constructing facilities of the metro – within the tunnels, interior and exterior of the stations, as well as service premises.
“Electomechanics” service. It ensures healthy and safe conditions for the passengers and for the people working in the metro by maintenance and repair of Water and Sewage facilities, including pumping stations, sanitary points, facilities for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning, including tunnel and local ventilation, heating stations, water boilers, air-conditioners, escalators and lifts, special equipment for actions in cases of disasters and accidents.
“Safety” Department It supervises the execution of the requirements of “Rules for technical operation of the Metropolitan” and the concomitant “Instructions”, investigation of cases of safety violation of the train movement and maneuvers, organization of activities for checking the learning of the staff, fire safety, metrological provision of measuring devices and the processes, necessary for the operation of the Quality control system in the company. There is “Safety, health and work environment conditions” service, and “Occupational medical service” group, functioning within the department, conducting surveillance, analyses and evaluation of the health status with reference to the work environment factors and the suitability of the staff to perform a certain job. It implements interactions and coordination with the authorities in charge in cases of emergencies, concerning the guard and security of metro sites.
Technical department The department stores the archive of the metro, works out general rules and instructions, as well as individual job descriptions of the staff and preparation of visual aids. It takes part in the maintenance of the Quality system in the company.

Due to the exclusive importance of tasks in the metropolitan, periodic training is conducted, as well as tests checking the acquiring and putting into practice the operation instructions, rules and the permission of access to work. In order to eliminate failures and to improve the technical level of the metro, the operational experts take part into Technical councils of the company for coordination, discussion and adoption of new projects of the metro extension.

“Investment activity” Directorate It carries out control over the design and construction of the new-built metro sections and the supply of specific equipment. It consists of highly specialized site investors in architectural and constructional part and experts in systems for control and operation. There is a production department functioning within the directorate, which is controlling construction and assembly works, price formation and adherence to the tender terms. There is a storehouse of the Investment for the storage of the delivered equipment and spare parts.
- Investment control of design includes forming of tasks for assignation to tender award documents, current survey, discussion and control over project development and their adoption by permanently operating Technical council.
- Investment control of construction includes forming of tasks for assignation to tender award documents, control over the different types of work; control over quality, quantity and prices, regarding the tender offers.

The company has a department “Public Procurement”, which with the assistance of technical experts from the two Directorates prepares the tender documentation for assigning of design, construction and equipment supply. This department carries out the whole process of organization of tender procedures in view of the Public Procurement Law.

"Metropolitan" EAD 2016 | All rights reserved
By: xdm